Sail to the experience

Selected Boats

By leading brands

The experience, seniority and reputation accumulated over the years are passed down from generation to generation and allow us to match you with the most suitable sailing and motor vessels for your needs and desires, while providing professional service and accompaniment. The brands we represent exclusively are among the leading and world's most reliable names in the maritime field.

Everything you need for a cruise

at Ambil-Yam

Ambil Yam provides exclusive service in Israel for a large number of international manufacturers, through agents and service stations nationwide. You can find everything you need for your next experience - a huge variety of boat models for all intensities, engines and spare parts and a shop for water sports equipment and boat fitness.

Service is a part

Of our DNA

We believe that a reliable, efficient, and generous service is the recipe for the company's strength and its activity for over 60 years in the maritime field and for many years to come. Our service system includes support for all sailing vessels, marine engines, and parts that we import to the Israeli market and wherever it is required. Also, including our service system, providing professional advice on any issue and any malfunction.

צוות אמביל-ים ישמח לעמוד לשירותכם בכל עת

לתת מענה מקצועי עם ניסיון מעל 65 שנים לכל שאלה ובקשה. בליווי רכישה ותחזוקה של כלי שייט / מנועים ימיים וציוד ימי.

המותגים שלנו

The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.

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